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Guilty and Dirty Page 6
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Page 6
“Do I need to take my bra off too?” she called through the curtain to Sophie, her hands already unfastening the garment behind her back.
“Yes please,” Sophie confirmed. Emma removed her bra and stood totally naked next to the bed, the air conditioning raising goose pimples on her skin. She shivered and rubbed her hands up and down her arms to warm up, her dark brown nipples sticking straight out. Emma wasn’t sure if that was from arousal or the cool temperature in the room.
“Ready?” Sophie asked from the other side of the curtain. Emma said that she was, and Sophie moved into the area next to Emma through the slit in the curtain.
“Do you need me to help you up onto the bed?” Sophie asked. The bed was raised higher than the one in Doctor Fernandes’ office, and Emma nodded gratefully. Sophie put her hand on Emma’s bare lower back as she struggled to climb up to the thinly padded mattress. Emma managed to get one leg up and as her thighs opened she felt the cool air meet her damp pussy lips. The sensation caused a jolt of pleasure to flash through her and she groaned as she came, her torso half on the bed and trembling with the force of her orgasm. She felt her juices escaping from deep inside her and flowing down her thighs, but she was too far into her climax to care. It was a sweet release, but also disappointing. Emma hadn’t had sex with a man in so long, and yet all these orgasms were completely unfulfilling. She knew that she needed a cock inside of her. Her pussy was quite literally crying out for one.
“It’s okay,” Sophie said gently, as she used a towel to clean up Emma’s legs. She helped Emma the rest of the way onto the bed, and Emma laid back with her head on the pillow.
“I’m so sorry about that,” Emma said, once again clenching her thighs together. Now that she’d had one orgasm in here, she knew that there would be more to come.
“Don’t worry,” Sophie said. “I’m going to ask Nick to come in with us now. Is that okay?” Emma nodded her approval and Sophie opened the curtains, fluorescent lighting flooding the area. Nick was sat down at the computer, but stood and walked over to them when he saw the curtains open. Sophie was busy lifting Emma’s legs into the stirrups, placing her chubby ankles delicately into the grey plastic semi circles.
“So Miss Brown,” Nick began as he placed a small pair of glasses on the end of his nose. “I’m going to do an internal exam to see what we can find, okay?” Emma nodded again, knowing that the moment Nick touched her she was going to come. He sat on a stool, similar to the one Doctor Fernandes had used, and moved in between Emma’s thighs. He peered at her cunt for several seconds, and it felt like agonising foreplay to Emma. She wanted to scream at him, make him touch her to give her a release, but she bit her lip hard instead. Her problem was shameful enough without acting like a crazed sexual predator.
“I can’t see anything externally,” he murmured as he stared at her pussy over the top of his glasses. He brought his hands up to her and as he placed one hand on top of her pubic area and the other at her opening, Emma felt his middle finger quickly press down on her clitoris, causing an explosion of pleasure within her.
“Oh, shit!” she shouted as she sprayed him with her juices, her eyes squeezed tightly shut. She came again and again, her come soaking his face and the front of his scrubs. The stirrups squeaked as she lifted her ass off of the bed, bucking her hips with each squirt. Her pussy lips opened with each contraction of the orgasm, the juices now flowing past her asshole and pooling on the bed.
“Oh my!” Nick exclaimed, his mouth hanging open as Emma’s come dripped from his chin. “Sophie, would you mind fetching me a towel and some fresh scrubs, please?” he asked his colleague. Sophie nodded, an alarmed expression on her face, and rushed out of the room, the door slamming shut behind her.
“I can honestly say I wasn’t expecting that,” Nick said, his eyes gazing at her in wonderment. “Emma, I think I know exactly what you need, but we haven’t much time.”
“What is it? Can you help me?” Emma said, lifting her head up off the pillow. She could see the muscles in her lower stomach still pulsing from the orgasm, the rolls of flesh twitching.
“Oh yes, I definitely think I can help you.” There was a hunger in his look now, and it turned Emma on. She certainly wasn’t attracted to this nurse at all, but there was something in his look that made her feel sexy. It was like he was in awe of her, and as Emma looked down she saw a bulge at his crotch that revealed his excitement. She could feel yet another orgasm starting, and wondered what Nick’s next move would be.
“Put your ankles back in the stirrups, please, and tilt your pelvis up towards me,” Nick instructed firmly. Emma did as he asked, and he licked his lips as he stared down at her cunt. A split second later, and he bent down and pushed his face in between her thighs, his hot wet mouth up against her cunt. Emma gasped loudly in shock. She certainly hadn’t been expecting that, but her body responded to him quickly as she ground her hips into his face.
“Fuck,” she moaned, as he inserted his tongue inside her. His fleshy lips sucked at her labia as he tongue fucked her, and Emma felt his long nose rubbing against her swollen clitoris at the same time. The sensation was intense, and it was too much for Emma as she climaxed again, this time into his mouth. He opened up and swallowed her juices willingly as she writhed against his face with pleasure.
“We haven’t got much time for the next part,” he said hurriedly, as he stood up and wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his scrubs. He quickly pulled down his elasticated pants and took his erect cock out of his briefs. Emma’s eyes bulged at the sight of it; it was GINORMOUS! Easily the biggest, widest cock she had ever seen. Pre come glistened on the tip and a droplet ran down the head and dripped onto the linoleum. The head was dark purple, close to exploding, and the shaft was thick and veiny. Emma eyed his manhood hungrily, desperate to discover what it felt like inside of her.
Nick pushed her legs apart further, spreading her pussy lips wide. He quickly glanced at the door to make sure his colleague hadn’t returned yet, before plunging his throbbing cock deep inside her. Emma’s body stiffened immediately. The sensation was different. Her cunt loosened up quickly as he pounded into her, both of his hands on her curved hips. She felt the orgasm starting, but it was peculiar. It wasn’t the quick flash of pleasure that she was used to experiencing. This was more like a slow burn, a fire that had started in her groin and was slowly spreading, and with each pump of his cock was getting bigger and bigger. Lights flashed in front of her eyes, and she wondered if she was going to pass out. She forced herself to open her eyes and focus on Nick, his face red and sweaty as he aggressively thrust himself into her.
“Oh, you filthy whore!” he moaned, and suddenly Emma felt a hot stickiness filling her up inside. His body shook as he came, his fingers digging into the excess flesh on her hips. Emma felt her own climax taking over her as she watched this stranger coming inside of her, and it was nothing like she’d ever felt before. Her whole body seized up and she couldn’t move. The pressure had built inside her so much and all she felt now was a sweet release, her cunt muscles squeezing at Nick’s giant cock with every wave of pleasure that flowed through her.
“Shit,” Nick said, pulling his dick out of her and tucking it back in his briefs. He pulled up his pants as Emma lay panting on the bed, her thighs still spread open exposing her aching pussy.
“Quickly, we need to clean up,” he said, his voice panicked. He pulled some blue paper towels from a cupboard and frantically wiped at Emma’s pussy, causing her to moan out loud from the sensitivity. She felt exhausted, and completely satisfied. Her orgasm had been bigger and stronger than any she’d had in the last six months. Was she cured?
The door creaked open and Sophie walked back into the room, towels and fresh scrubs piled high in her arms. She took one look at Nick’s red sweaty face and frowned. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, yes, everything’s fine. Now, let’s get on with the exam, shall we?” he said, winking at Emma, who smiled contentedly. She closed her eyes, rel
ief flooding through her as she knew that she had finally been cured.
Dirty Doctor
Emma closed her eyes as she tapped her foot impatiently on the leg of the metal chair. Her surgery was scheduled for this morning and she had been waiting for over an hour for her surgeon to come and speak to her. She’d never had to stay in hospital before, nevermind have an operation, and wasn’t sure what to expect. The nurse had asked her to fill in a lengthy form, which she had completed at reception, and then directed her to her own private room, where apparently the doctor would be along shortly. Seventy five minutes later and he was a no show.
She sighed as she flicked through the gossip magazine on the nightstand for the fifth time, wishing that she’d brought her book or something to keep her entertained. She didn’t know what usually happened on surgery day. She’d assumed she would be straight into theatre and back into recovery within a few hours. She glanced down at her watch and sighed.
“Miss Brown!” a deep booming voice exclaimed, and Emma looked up to see her doctor, his giant frame filling the doorway. He entered the small suite, his clipboard grasped firmly in his hand, and strode over to where Emma was sitting in the corner. “How are you feeling today?”
“Fine, I guess. A little nervous,” Emma responded, her voice shaking slightly. When she’d first visited the doctor to arrange her breast enhancement surgery she’d felt confident that she was making the right decision. But now she wasn’t so sure.
“That’s perfectly normal, Miss Brown,” Doctor Clarke murmured distractedly as he peered down at the papers on his clipboard. “Has your health changed at all since your consultation? Anything new I need to know about?”
Emma paused, unsure of whether to tell him about a flare up of a previous condition. She’d had treatment a year ago that she’d thought had cured it, but a few weeks ago the symptoms had started to creep back into her life. She tried her hardest to keep things under control, but it wasn’t always easy. Luckily, her mind was so preoccupied with her surgery that she hadn’t experienced the symptoms at all within the last twenty four hours.
“No, nothing at all,” Emma lied. Doctor Clarke didn’t need to know. Not just yet anyway.
After a brief confirmation of the surgery that the doctor was going to perform, he gave Emma a gown to change into and told her a nurse would be along to escort her down to surgery. Emma thanked Doctor Clarke and he exited the room, leaving her feeling anxious and apprehensive.
Four hours later, Emma awoke from the general anaesthetic with a wrenching pain in her chest. She slowly opened her eyes and her fingers found her nurse call button, and she clicked it several times. A nurse entered the room immediately, a young blonde woman with an ample chest of her own, and Emma pondered through her grogginess whether the nurse had had breast enhancement surgery too. Probably.
“Miss Brown, are you feeling okay?” the nurse asked kindly as she picked up the chart that was hooked over the end of Emma’s bed. Emma opened her mouth to speak, but found her throat was so dry that her voice had completely disappeared.
“Here, let me get you some water,” the nurse said. She poured some water from a jug into a small plastic cup and allowed Emma a sip through a straw.
“I need more pain relief,” Emma said once she’d finished drinking. The ache in her breasts was severe and she felt a sharp pain with every breath that she took.
“Okay, I’ll call the doctor and he’ll come and see you,” the nurse said, placing her hand gently on Emma’s shoulder. The action sent a tingling sensation down Emma’s arm and caused her skin to break out in goose pimples. Oh no, not again…
The nurse left the room and Emma drifted back into a restless sleep, the pain in her breasts not allowing her to sleep any deeper. A short period of time later, Emma had no idea how long, and Doctor Clarke entered her room, rapping his knuckles noisily on the door.
“Glad to see you’re awake, Miss Brown,” he said, smiling down at her. She returned his smile weakly, and found herself checking out his body underneath his unbuttoned white coat. He was wearing a light purple shirt that showed off his defined torso, the white pearl buttons straining slightly against his muscles. Her eyes drifted down to his dark grey pants and the unmistakable bulge that protruded from his crotch. Either Doctor Clarke had a sock stuffed down there, or he was incredibly well endowed. Emma felt the familiar twinges in between her thighs and tried to clench her muscles to prevent the inevitable from happening, but it was no good. The pleasure overtook her body quickly, and she moaned out loud.
“Are you okay, Miss Brown?” Doctor Clarke asked her, peering down at her with a concerned expression on his face. Emma felt her orgasm dissipating, and she closed her eyes, her cheeks crimson with embarrassment.
“Yes, um, I suppose I should’ve mentioned my condition to you,” she said, opening her eyes but not quite able to meet his confused stare. “Last year I was diagnosed with PGAD. I thought my symptoms were under control but it flared up again a few weeks ago.”
“PGAD?” the doctor said, a frown on his face.
“Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder,” Emma stated. She’s wrongly assumed that because he was a doctor, he would automatically know what PGAD was. “It means I have orgasms almost constantly, and anything can trigger them. I feel like it flares up during times of stress or anxiety, and I’ve definitely been feeling nervous about my surgery. Hopefully now the surgery is finished, everything will go back to normal.”
“I see,” Doctor Clarke murmured, staring at her intently. “If I’m being honest, I’ve never heard of PGAD before. How does it affect your personal life?”
“I don’t have one,” Emma said sadly, feeling the familiar pang of loneliness when she thought of how long it had been since she’d had a boyfriend. “I haven’t had a relationship since my symptoms first started. It’s impossible. No one wants to have sex with someone that is constantly having orgasms.”
“Yes, yes, I see your point,” he agreed, nodding his head. “So, nurse Jenkins mentioned that you need some pain relief?”
“Yeah, my breasts feel very sore,” Emma said, her hand lifting absently to her chest. She winced when her fingers touched the side of her breast, sending a flare of pain through her ribcage.
“Okay, we’ll give you some morphine through the IV,” he said. He left the room for a minute or two and returned with a small box of medical supplies. Emma was vaguely aware of him fiddling with the drip attached to her right hand and moments later felt her whole body relax, the pain almost completely disappearing.
“That’s better,” she said, a dreamy smile on her face. She looked up at Doctor Clarke, her eyes running up his hard body and up to his tanned face. She wondered whether his cock was as big as it looked in his pants. She licked her lips and closed her eyes as she imagined what it would feel like to have him pushing his dick into her tight hole, his hard body pressed up against her skin.
“Is there anything else I can do to make you more comfortable, Miss Brown?” the doctor asked, placing a heavy hand on her arm. Emma looked down at where his fingers were touching her bare skin, then closed her eyes and succumbed to the feeling. It started as a spark in between her legs and spread over her groin, a warm electricity eventually sparking through her whole body. She gasped as she felt a wetness saturating her hospital issued panties, a stream of liquid squirting out with each wave of her climax. She bucked her hips upwards, wanting more, but the pain in her breasts stopped her movements.
“Oh, that hurts,” she moaned, her eyes still closed. It was a strange feeling, the pain in her chest mixed with the pleasure in her groin.
“Is everything okay? What just happened?” Doctor Clarke asked, peering down at her. Emma cringed and looked away, the shame of what just happened flooding through her. She didn’t answer him, unsure of what to say.
“Did you just have an orgasm?” he asked. Emma could hear amusement in his voice and looked up at him, seeing his eyes twinkling with interest. “
I’ve never seen that from a patient before. What triggered it, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“You touched my arm,” Emma said, her face flaming. “Any physical contact from a stranger, especially if it’s skin on skin, makes me climax. I just can’t help it.” She burst into tears, the frustration of eighteen months of PGAD exploding inside of her. It was all just too much.
“It’s okay,” Doctor Clarke said. He went to stroke her arm comfortingly, and then thought better of it and pulled his hand away awkwardly. He cleared his throat uncomfortably, not meeting Emma’s eyes.
“Okay, I’m going to pass your notes over to nurse Jenkins now. Press your buzzer if you need anything and she’ll be right down.” He smiled at her, and Emma thought she saw a flash of pity on his face. He left the room, and Emma closed her eyes, praying that sleep would come and take her away from her living hell.
Five days later, Emma was feeling much more like herself. In fact, she felt like a better version of herself as she now had bigger breasts that she absolutely loved. They were still wrapped up under bandaging and surgical tape, but she could see how much better her clothes looked with a fuller bust. She couldn’t wait to see what they looked like uncovered.
She took a taxi to Doctor Clarke’s office, excitement building. She’d been thinking about the doctor since she’d left hospital, and every time he crossed her mind she climaxed, but it was quick and unsatisfactory. She needed to have sex soon; it seemed to be the only thing that kept her PGAD symptoms at bay.
The taxi pulled up in front of the building and Emma paid the driver. She went in through the automatic doors and checked in with the receptionist. She felt a new confidence that she didn’t have before, and she owed it all to Doctor Clarke and his amazing hands. Just thinking of his strong, masculine hands made Emma shiver and she pressed her lips together tightly, trying to ignore the tingling at her groin. The feeling subsided as she forced her mind to focus on more innocent images, and she breathed out a sigh of relief. There was no one in the waiting area except for Emma and the receptionist, and the last thing Emma wanted was to disguise her heavy breathing and tensing muscles as she came.