Guilty and Dirty Read online

Page 5

  Jennifer reached up and started rubbing Lizzie’s clitoris, building up her orgasm as Lizzie bucked her hips onto Jennifer’s open mouth. Jennifer knew from previous experience that Lizzie had a sensitive clit, and it wouldn’t take long to bring her to orgasm by touching it along with tongue fucking her.

  Her own climax was starting as she felt Shania insert two fingers into her cunt, moving them in and out with force. Shania knew how to curl her fingers so she hit Jennifer’s G spot every time, the sensation making Jennifer feel like she wanted to come but also like she wanted to urinate. It was exquisite.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it! Right there!” Lizzie squealed as Jennifer’s rubbing became more frantic. She could see Lizzie was on the verge of coming and she felt her own orgasm developing in her groin, where Shania had a third finger now inserted into Jennifer’s asshole. Jennifer looked down and saw Shania’s red hair fanned out over her thighs, her large breasts almost spilling out of her bustier, and it was the most sexually exciting sight she’d ever seen. It was enough to make her come instantly and as Lizzie bucked and writhed on her face, her own orgasm overtook her, and she released herself, her juices squirting Shania’s face and soaking her pretty hair. Jennifer could taste Lizzie’s own come in her mouth, slippery and wet, and it heightened her orgasm again, waves of pleasure wracking her body and making her muscles tense up. She saw spots dancing in front of her eyes and briefly wondered if she might pass out from the pleasure being so intense, but was pulled straight back to reality as Lizzie slowly climbed off her face, her own orgasm seemingly finished. She lay down beside Jennifer and held her hand delicately, as Shania wiped her face on a towel and collapsed the other side of Jennifer. The three women snuggled together cosily, their bodies warm from their climaxes.

  Jennifer felt herself beginning to doze and images of Curtis flitted through her mind. Whilst she felt a certain type of love for him, it wasn’t the same as this white hot desire that she had for Lizzie. She would have to seriously re-evaluate her relationship in the morning, but for now, all she wanted was to lay beside the two beautiful women, her heart and body content.

  Dirty Nurse

  Emma sat in the waiting room flicking through a magazine, her chubby legs crossed uncomfortably. She shifted in her seat to try and relieve some of the pressure in between her legs but it was no good. She closed her eyes and counted backwards from ten like she had taught herself over the last six months, and waited for the feeling to subside. When she got to six, she felt better and let out her breath slowly. She glanced around the waiting room, but no one seemed to have noticed what was happening. That was good. She discreetly used her hand to wipe the perspiration that had gathered on her upper lip. Emma was used to being discreet.

  “Miss Brown? Doctor Fernandes will see you now,” the receptionist called to her with a smile. Emma returned the smile and lifted herself slowly out of her chair. She’d gained an awful lot of weight in the past year, and she could feel it whenever she moved. It was uncomfortable and she really must do something about it. But she needed to fix this problem first. Hopefully Doctor Fernandes would be able to help her.

  Emma walked down the hallway, her knees weakening already, and she leaned against the wall for support. When would this torture end? She needed the doctor to help her. It was all getting too much.

  “Are you okay, Miss Brown?” she heard a male voice ask. It was Doctor Fernandes, his head poking out of his office doorway. She nodded weakly, waiting for the feeling to pass. Five seconds later she was already feeling it pass, and she carried on along the hallway and entered the doctors office.

  Doctor Fernandes sat back behind his large oak desk and clasped his hands in front of him. Emma sat down on the other side of the desk, her legs crossed firmly together again. She regarded the doctor warily. He was an older man, perhaps in his mid fifties, with dark tanned skin and a shock of greying hair on his head. Thin rimmed glasses adorned his face, giving him a bit of a nerdy look, which Emma found comforting. But he was still vaguely attractive, which presented her with a problem.

  “So, Miss Brown, what seems to be the problem?” he asked, smiling at her pleasantly.

  “Uh, I’ve been having an issue for about, um, six, uh, months,” she stammered, her face flushing crimson as she spoke. She just didn’t know how to tell the doctor what was wrong. It was embarrassing, and the words didn’t want to leave her mouth.

  Doctor Fernandes waited patiently, the smile fixed encouragingly on his face. Emma closed her eyes and spoke quickly, not wanting to make eye contact as she said the words.

  “I’ve been having orgasms frequently for the last six months. I don’t know how or why it started, but it’s exhausting. I literally can’t do anything without having an orgasm, and it happens several times an hour.” She opened her eyes. “Even sitting here now, I can feel one starting.” She squeezed her thighs together and concentrated hard, counting backwards in her head again until the feeling of extreme arousal passed.

  “Oh, well, um, that is highly unusual,” Doctor Fernandes stuttered, his own cheeks turning a light pink. Emma wanted to die of shame; even the doctor was embarrassed.

  The doctor sighed and took off his glasses, his brown eyes searching Emma’s face. “It’s called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, or PGAD for short. It’s incredibly rare, so I’m unsure of what treatment I can prescribe for you right now.” He paused and looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought. “Perhaps I could do a quick pelvic exam and see if I can spot any abnormalities?” Emma nodded, her breathing laboured as the thought of the slightly handsome doctor touching her sent another flash of arousal through her body. How was she going to keep this under control? She knew the moment she took off her panties it would be game over.

  Doctor Fernandes stood up and walked over to a small blue examination table in the corner. Emma briefly wondered how a surface so tiny would support her larger than average frame but quickly dismissed the idea. She had bigger problems to worry about.

  “Miss Brown, can you remove the clothing on your lower half and lay down here please,” the doctor instructed, snapping a pair of elasticated gloves onto his hands. Even that action seemed erotic to Emma. She unfastened her pants and dropped them to the floor as the doctor turned his back. He was placing instruments on a small table with wheels next to the bed that Emma assumed were to be used on her vagina. She groaned inwardly. She had no doubt whatsoever that she would orgasm within the next five minutes. It was inevitable.

  Emma pulled off her conservative white panties, the cool air meeting her sensitive vagina. She shivered and climbed up onto the table, feeling her cunt lips touching the surface of the bed. She squirmed, trying to create the least amount of friction possible for fear of triggering an orgasm, but was unsuccessful and felt the release building inside of her. She pressed her lips together and closed her eyes, her muscles contracting as she came. She felt the wetness seeping out of her and sticking between her clenched thighs, and she opened her eyes to see Doctor Fernandes still with his back to her. Thank god he hadn’t witnessed that. But Emma was sure that she wouldn’t be able to hold off when he started to touch her.

  “Okay, please lie back, Miss Brown,” the doctor said as he turned towards her. “Are you okay?” He peered at her over the top of his glasses, a concerned expression on his face. Emma nodded without speaking and wiped her sweaty brow on the back of her hand. This was harder than she’d expected. Her next orgasm was stirring inside of her already, and she had to do her counting technique to keep it at bay.

  “Place your ankles in the stirrups and lift up your knees, please.” Doctor Fernandes sat down on a small stool and positioned himself in between her legs, his face close to her pussy. Emma clenched her fists and breathed through her nose, desperate for a release.

  “Okay, there’s nothing visible externally,” he said as he squinted at her. “I’m going to perform an internal exam now.” Emma saw him glance at the excessive stickiness at the tops of her thighs, his eyebrows r
aised. He picked up a small plastic speculum from the table and used his other hand to part her pussy lips. Emma gasped involuntarily at the contact and arched her back, the feeling of arousal overtaking the embarrassment that she felt earlier.

  “I don’t think I need any lubrication here,” Doctor Fernandes chuckled as he pushed the instrument inside her. He opened it up slowly, stretching her cunt wide open.

  “Oh god!” Emma shouted as she came again, her thigh muscles trembling with the strength of her orgasm. She felt her cunt muscles contracting, and Doctor Fernandes jumped back as the speculum shot out of her pussy and clattered onto the floor.

  “Well, I can’t say I’ve ever seen that before!” he said, his eyes wide with astonishment. Emma lay back and closed her eyes, her breathing heavy. She was exhausted, and just wanted to feel relief and satisfaction, but she knew it was only a matter of time before she came again.

  “I’m going to use my finger to see if I can feel anything abnormal in there,” the doctor said as he parted her lips again and inserted his forefinger slowly. Emma’s cunt was still twitching with sensitivity from her last orgasm, and she moaned out loud as his finger went all the way inside her up to his knuckle. He frowned as he twisted his finger around inside her, her moisture increasing and wetting his gloved hand.

  “I can’t actually feel anything unusual,” the doctor said, as he slowly pulled his finger out of her pulsing cunt. The movement triggered yet another orgasm and Emma grunted, the tiny bed squeaking under her writing body. The skin on her face and chest had broken out in a damp sweat and she felt her erect nipples rubbing painfully against her clothing. She opened her eyes and saw Doctor Fernandes looking at her large heaving breasts and knowing he was watching her turned her on even more, prolonging her orgasm.

  “I must say, your case is quite something,” he said, turning his back to her and snapping off his gloves. Emma lay back on the bed, panting after that embarrassing display of sexual activity. Her whole body shook and she tried to control her breathing, like she had taught herself to do. It was a humiliating problem, but after being consumed by three consecutive orgasms in the space of less than five minutes she felt too exhausted to care what the doctor thought of her.

  Doctor Fernandes sat back behind his desk as Emma redressed herself, careful to not let the fabric of her clothes touch her pussy for fear of triggering another orgasm. She pulled her pants up over her bulky waist and sat back down in the chair opposite the doctor.

  “Well, Miss Brown,” he started, his brow furrowed in concentration. “I’m afraid to say there’s not really much I can offer you in the way of treatment right now. What I can do is refer you to a team of nurses who perform several pelvic exams on a daily basis and they can tell me whether they notice anything unusual or inconsistent in their process.” He wrote down a number on a scrap of paper and passed it to Emma. “Call this number and make an appointment. Urgently.”

  Emma nodded and took the paper, the tell tale tingle in her genitals starting again already. Her whole body was fatigued, and she gratefully shook the doctors hand and left his office. She would call that number as soon as she got home. This couldn’t wait any longer.


  A week, and several orgasms, passed by slowly while Emma waited for her appointment with the mysterious team of nurses that Doctor Fernandes had recommended to her. She had made the call that day and been given an appointment the following week. She needed relief from the non stop arousal, either by medication or one huge orgasm that would finally leave her fulfilled and stop the relentlessness of the genital agitation.

  Emma took the bus to the clinic, ignoring the curious stares of the other passengers as she groaned every time the bus vibrated with acceleration, or went over a particularly vigorous speed bump. She’d made a mistake and worn a thong, and the thin strip of material was rubbing painfully against her swollen clitoris. When she stood to exit the vehicle, she felt a damp patch between her legs and was horrified to see her juices had soaked the crotch of her jeans. She covered her waist with her purse and prayed that no one noticed as she quickly stumbled from the bus, her face beet red. This problem was getting more embarrassing by the day.

  The clinic was a small, red brick building and was in a quiet part of town. There wasn’t much movement happening and Emma briefly wondered if it might be closed, until she saw the automatic doors open and a handsome man in blue nurses scrubs stroll confidently out of the building. Emma felt her pussy twinge with excitement and she stopped, leaning against a lamp post for support while she breathed through the arousal. Her jeans grew damp again and she looked down, the dark patch spreading quickly across her thighs. She saw the handsome man glance down at her as he passed by, and she forced herself to start walking again, her knees weak.

  “Hello, I have an appointment at four thirty,” Emma informed the receptionist when she entered the building. She sat down and waited as patiently as she could, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room that she might consider attractive. Even looking at someone average looking could sometimes cause an orgasm. Emma just saw arousal everywhere and it was painful.

  “Okay, Miss Brown. Room four, please,” the receptionist said, her fingers clicking over the keys on her keyboard. Emma lifted her bulk from the chair and moved carefully down the hallway to room four. She breathed, in and out, in and out, trying to focus her mind on the most mundane things she could.

  She knocked once and pushed open the door, entering the clinically white room. Two people stood in the room; a male nurse and a female nurse. The woman had her back to Emma and was typing quickly on a computer. The male nurse was placing a small pillow at the top of a bed in the centre of the room, similar to the one she had lain on in Doctor Fernandes’ office.

  “You must be Miss Brown,” the male nurse said, walking towards her with his hand outstretched. Emma shook his hand mutely, breathing an internal sigh of relief that he was old and quite unattractive. His head was balding, with a few greying strands of hair brushed over his scalp to conceal his bare head. His nose was beak-like and bright red, as though he’d recently been out in the cold. He was skinny and his blue scrubs hung off of his bony frame. Even Emma in her current state would struggle to feel any kind of arousal looking at this man.

  The female nurse, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She was young, perhaps mid twenties, and one of the most attractive women Emma had seen in real life. Whilst Emma wasn’t usually interested in women, this one was something else. Her hair, long and blonde, fell in golden waves past her shoulders, and her blue eyes were piercing. Her scrubs were tight fitting and accentuated her tiny waist and full hips. Her breasts strained against the thin blue material, and Emma could see the hint of a nipple through the fabric. Oh god…

  “I, uh, I just need to sit down for a moment,” Emma stammered, feeling flustered as she scrambled to get to the metal chair in the corner of the room. Her knees gave way as she flopped into the chair, her eyes closed as she waited for the orgasm to pass. She could feel her cunt pulsating against the denim of her jeans, and it felt incredible. She really had made a poor choice this morning when she’d decided to wear a thong. All it had done was give her aching pussy new sensations to experience.

  “Are you okay, Miss Brown?” the female nurse asked her, immediately appearing at Emma’s side and crouching down beside her.

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just needed a moment to sit down,” Emma explained, her breath coming out in short gasps as she spoke. She could feel her erect nipples rubbing painfully against her sweater, turning her on even more.

  “You just take as long as you need,” the nurse said kindly. “I’m Sophie, and I’ll be looking after you today whilst we perform our tests. And this is Nick.” She gestured towards the male nurse, who raised his hand in greeting. Emma nodded, smiling at them tightly. What would they think when she told them why she was there?

  “So I understand you were referred here by Doctor Fernandes,” Sophie said, picking up a clip
board and checking Emma’s information that was typed on a piece of paper.

  “Yes, that’s correct,” Emma confirmed. She coughed delicately and cleared her throat.

  “Okay. So what can we do for you, Miss Brown?”

  “It’s a bit embarrassing, really.” Emma looked down at the floor as she spoke, unable to meet either of the nurses eyes. “I’m in a state of extreme arousal constantly. I orgasm at least ten times an hour, and anything can cause it.” She looked up at Sophie, her eyes pleading. “I really need help with it. I can’t even go to work because sitting in a meeting is embarrassing. I’ve pretty much been confined to my house for the past six months. I’m just so afraid of it happening in public, but I don’t know how to make it stop.”

  Sophie nodded sympathetically, but Emma could see the shock in her eyes. “Doctor Fernandes told me it was PGAD, but he wanted me to come and see you in case you can feel anything out of the ordinary inside me,” Emma explained.

  “Yes, that makes sense,” Sophie confirmed, nodding thoughtfully. Emma tried her hardest to keep her eyes away from the other womans’ ample cleavage, but she couldn’t resist having a quick peek. Her breasts were huge, and all Emma wanted to do was put her hands on them and squeeze, her fingers rubbing at Sophie’s nipples. She wanted to bite them, to nibble them and feel the other woman’s excitement at Emma’s touch. STOP, she thought angrily. She had to force that image out of her mind.

  “Let’s take a look at you then!” Sophie said brightly. “Please can you fully undress and lie down on the table.” She ushered Emma over to the table and drew a curtain around the area, so Emma was alone next to the bed. She could see the shadows of the two nurses through the curtain, both of them preparing equipment silently for her examination.

  Emma removed her jeans gingerly, peeling the denim away from her sensitive labia. She took off her sweater, feeling mildly self conscious of the rolls of fat that bulged from underneath her bra.